Wednesday, 11 November 2009

last lesson

We need to film one more act from 3.00 til the end at 3.30.
we've got ideas of -Madonna
-Rick Astley

We will do Rick Astley from 3.00 till 3.17
then Madonna from 3.17 till 3.30

this will be doing 2 chours and 2and a half instrumentals with Rick Astley, and then Madonna doing half and instrumental dancing then singing the last chours.

Madonna- Patrick- dress and lots of necklaces and we will mess his hair up in to a poofy style.
Rick Astley- Ryan- plain black top with possibly a cream coat then ill style my hair so its slicked back and possbly with some glasses.

madonna- will be green screened and then a picture of the river behind, but we will also shoot some short dance bits.
Rick Astley- will be outside in the tennis corts, agains a fence. like in the video.

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