Wednesday, 11 November 2009


so far me and Ollie have change the vanilla ice section Agni and put a video behind him as he sings of a wall of graffiti. just like in there video. we got the cideo from youtube and then copied it in to out sequence.
we have also put small freeze frames in on the beats before the vanilla ice section to fill the gap and to show the audience the next artiest.
we also changed the fade we had on the artist to a blast of white colour from the artist and then a zoom in to the artist and then the screen goes completely white for about 3sec as you begin to see the slow-motion boyband, walking down the stairs.
we have edited the 'westlife' footage by slowing it down and making it more stylized by making it black and white and putting a blue hue over the top to give it a boyband stylized feel. We put small clips of all the artistes featured, on the beat at the break-down. Then when the singing comes back we show the boyband singing for the last time and then we will have 'Rick Astley' in the court yard singing and small bit of dancing, then it will jump to 'Madonna' dancing and then singing the last bit of the chours, then it will finish with her turning her back to the camera and her walking way or of her slowing fading in to the distance.

The Rick Astley section wont take long to edit all it will need is cutting up in to section of footage and then possibly putting a grainy effect over the top.
The Madonna section will need a little bit more because it will need to be green screened and then cut up and hen put in with the rest of the footage. if anything goes wrong then will need to just put some old footage in instead. it will be a shame.
we have planned it enough to get it all done just in time.

we have the last lesson to finish the rest of the video.
- 40mins filming
- 20mins cutting it up and getting the right bits of the footage
- 30mins eding it together and making it look good.

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