Friday, 25 September 2009

ideas and thoughts

this is the original music video for the sister siam and we really like it so we will play on the idea of the space journey and make it even more visually exiting and abstract than it is now.
we looked at some of there other videos and we really like the effect on this video so we will shoot some footage in the green room and then edit it so it really abstract like the blackout video.
we really like the black background and the heavy bright colors coming through and also the multiple shots. its a heavy edit job so we will have to get all or most of our filming done early so we can play with the editing so we can make it look good and fit to the beat. we will have to make sure that we don't get to tired down wit it all then get to the end and have to re-shoot, so we will keep it all flowing.

i would also like this effect of the black and heavy multiple color as a dvd cover it looks very appealing.

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